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分享 Make straight hair relaxed "swelling up"
2010-9-21 16:10
Make straight hair relaxed "swelling up" Methods: After the hair dry, use ghd straighteners your fingers to smear fat milk locks of her hair a wound in the finger, then blow dry with ghd australia hair dryer, Will appear naturally fluffy! Alternatively, the hair straightener first hair dryer, ...
1527 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 How to care for straight hair
2010-9-21 16:08
How to care for straight hair 1. Hair not ghd plancha tied up as much as possible. 2. Her hair the time planchas to use conditioner. 3. Do some inverted membrane ah. 4. Combing their hair when ghd planchas pelo not to use plastic combs. 5. Also, her hair after the hair do not rub with a towel. ...
1012 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Straight hair care tips
2010-9-21 16:07
Straight hair care tips Nursing focus: vertical smooth, glossy, sunscreen, moisturizer 1. In the after-sun, to thoroughly clean hair. When washing planchas ghd use fingers gently massage the belly hair, promote blood circulation, the plancha ghd number of shampoo should not be too much, do not ...
952 次閱讀|0 個評論


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